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4th Annual Dallas Stars Elite 3 on 3 Christmas Tournament December 27-28

By DSEHC, 12/11/13, 9:00PM CST


Schedule is posted

Back by popular demand.  DSEHC is excited to host our 4th Annual Christmas 3 on 3 Tournament December 27th-28th. This Christmas tournament is a 6 team/6 game guarantee format. The tournament is designed to help players be more creative and work on their skill sets. This year we will have boards separating the two games to keep pucks from bouncing out of play and allowing players to make more plays. The ultimate goal being each player has FUN!. This tournament is unlike other local 3 on 3 tournaments and is strictly for the AA/AAA level players. 


New Additions 2013 Christmas Tournament: 

  • NEW Game length @ 30 minutes per game, 1 minute buzzer ( keeping the games faster)
  • NEW Less down-time between games 
  • NEW Prizes for Winning team ( w/ max of 9 prizes per team including goalies) 
  • NEW Scores posted online
  • NEW Boards separating games vs foam dividers. 
  • NEW Bigger playing area this year, center ice to goal line vs blue line to goal line. Players will come off the benches and teams will switch benches at the 15 minute point of the game.
  • NEW Championship Game MVP award chosen by coaches


Tournament Information

  • Tournament schedule December 27th-28th..... First Tournament Games will start by 9am on Friday the 27th and will finish Saturday the 28th by 6pm  
  • Tournament will be held at Valley Ranch Ice Rink- Sheet 2 
  • 6 Game Guarantee- 5 Game Round Robin Format /6th Game 1 vs 2nd seed/ 3rd vs 4th seed/5th vs 6th seed 
  • Register your teams online Max 8 skaters and 1 goalie per team (spots limited to first 6 teams)
  • $ 600 Team Registration fees/ Goalie are free   
  • Individual signups- no guarantee on individual signups based on teams needing players
  • $ 100.00 individual signup fee 
  • Teams can use their own light AND dark jerseys, or pinnies will be provided if needed.
  • New - Penalties will result in team playing short handed for 1 minute from the time of the penalty 
  • New - Scores will be kept by on ice official

    Why 3 on 3 Pond Hockey?

This tournament will be half ice, which will allow players more touches with the puck. Half ice games will help players learn to make quicker decisions with the puck and learn how to play in small areas. Player’s will learn to compete for pucks and be in more puck battles. Real Boards will divide the games to keep the games moving at higher pace. 

  • Increase player’s ability to make quicker decisions
  • Allows player’s to get more touches with the puck
  • Increased Puck Battles on smaller sheet 
  • This is a great way for players to get in shape for the season
  • Players learn to protect the puck the better using their body
  • Teaches player’s to move their feet and make moves in tighter areas.
  • Goalies will get a lot of shots
  • Players will get more scoring chances, which teaches them how to score


Squirt Division- 2004 and 2003 AA/AAA level teams 
Peewee Division- 2002 and 2001 AA/AAA level teams
Bantam Division- 1999 and 2000 AA/AAA level teams

How to register? 

Sign-up online as a team. 

Click on the picture below

Email team name and roster to Trevor Hanas @

Registration deadline December 12th